It’s been a while since music had a Byronic hero, but if Kid Cudi plays his cards (and chords) right, he could very well be that dude for Hipster-Hop. That was until the album was played in its entirety and the pieces fell perfectly into the puzzle. Cudi, who wowed me once with “Day N Nite” then wowed me twice with the Crookers Remix, but only gave me half of my download’s worth with “Sky Might Fall” and “Make Her Say” had something to prove to me. Trapped In My Mind Prod: Dot Da Genius Via.I’ve got to be honest – when I first set foot into the listening session for Kid Cudi’s long awaited debut Man on the Moon: The End of Day, I was completely skeptical. The Mood Prod: Emile Act 4: The Transformation 11. Mojo So Dope Prod: Emile Act 3: Party On 7. Deluxe edition Act 1: The World I Am Ruling 1.

Find the real deal after the jump with production credits. Update 3: Forget about all the fake track lists floating around. Kid cudi man on the moon 2 album download zip mediafire - The song, produced by Dot da Genius, features Cudi singing and contains elements of. He melded, electronica and seamlessly with hip-hop without pandering or reaching. The song, produced by Dot da Genius, features Cudi singing and contains elements of. Rager which is a full length 20-minute documentary that gives a glimpse into Cudi's life. In July 2008, Kid Cudi released his first mixtape, executive produced by Plain Pat and, in collaboration with New York street-wear brand 10. Three days later, Kid Cudi announced via Twitter that the album had officially been completed and turned in to his label, Universal Republic. During the summer of 2009, Cudi joined fellow up-and-coming rappers and, for 'The Great Hangover'. One set to be released in the summer, while the other would be released in the fall. ※ Download: Kid cudi man on the moon ii album download zip Kid Cudi – Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin Album (Zip Download)