Be sure to delete the older files before you put these new ones in!.Cmar also has a p rogram to update skins for IL so if you have ones needing fixed, check out the program.CmarNYC also has a program at MTS to make your own if you are interested.A big shout-out to Snaitf for the tutorial over at Mod The Sims on uncovering the mystery of making non-default skin tones.Hopefully you will all find a use for these like I have in tandem with the other TS4 skin colours. Pictured above (and in the archive) you can see previews from a standard basegame skin settings and with Kijiko's skin overhaul.They can also be a base for custom overlay skins that you find in the face detail sections. They work with all the Maxis skin details such as muscle slider, age categories, weight sliders and are for both genders and all age groups.

They are found by default with Maxis skin colours and act as such.