
Tonne software meter how to set number of decimals
Tonne software meter how to set number of decimals

tonne software meter how to set number of decimals

Similarly, the prefix “milli” means “divided by one thousand”. So kilometre means 1000 metres, and a kilogram is 1000 grams. For example, the prefix “kilo” means “1000”. A prefix is a way of multiplying or dividing the unit by 10, 100, or 1000 etc.The most common units used in non-scientific writing are listed at the top of this page. Units measure a unique physical property such as length, mass or time.

tonne software meter how to set number of decimals

It is simple and logical and consists of units and prefixes. It is easy to use and write metric units correctly if you know how the system works.

tonne software meter how to set number of decimals

Similarly, unit prices are shown as £6.99/kg. Thus the symbol for “kilometres per hour” is “km/h” (as on car speedometers).

  • The symbol for “per” (meaning “divided by”) is “/” (slash).
  • (This is to avoid confusion with scientific symbols such as “ m” meaning “mass” or “ V” meaning volume).
  • Symbols should always be written in roman (regular upright) font and never italicised – even within surrounding italic text.
  • To avoid possible confusion it is best to avoid using the comma as either the thousands separator or the decimal marker.
  • The decimal marker should be a full stop (period or dot) on the line.
  • 25 000 (but this may be omitted if there are only 4 digits – e.g.
  • Use a (non-breaking) space as the thousands separator – e.g.
  • Where there is room, leave a (non-breaking) space between the number and the unit.
  • Do not put a full stop (period) after a unit symbol (except at the end of a sentence).
  • Symbols do not change and are never pluralised.
  • Symbols for prefixes meaning a million or more are written in capitals, and those meaning a thousand or less are written in lower case – thus, mL for millilitre, kW for kilowatt, MJ for megajoule (the unit of energy).
  • The symbol for litre (L) is an exception. Note that this rule applies even when the prefix symbol is in lower case, as in kW for kilowatt. m for metre, but W for watt (the unit of power, named after the Scottish engineer, James Watt).
  • The symbols for metric units are also written in lower case – except those that are named after persons – e.g.
  • Names of metric units, whether alone or combined with a prefix, always start with a lower case letter (except at the beginning of a sentence) – e.g.
  • It gives advice on how to use and write metric units, mistakes to avoid, what to do about conversions, and where to find further information.Ī brief explanation of how the metric system works is also given. This guidance is based on British and internationally agreed standards and represents best practice. For anyone who would like help with correct and consistent practice in writing material that contains measurement data, UKMA has produced the following measurement units style guide.

    Tonne software meter how to set number of decimals