The cow plant will eat the Sim once but then spit the Sim back out with a negative moodlet. If a Sim comes by, the Sim tries to take the cake. If a cow plant is hungry, it will stick its tongue and wait for someone to feed it cake. You can play with it and feed it around every 12 hours. Planting this will eventually get you a cute cow plant in your backyard. You can buy these packets at level 10 gardening, probably the easiest way to get rare plants.

You can also obtain the plants by opening rare sea packets.

You can also get it through gardening by cutting and grafting a snapdragon with dragon fruit. There are a few ways to get this, such as randomly by fishing or for treasure. You can’t buy it, but rather you must find and grow it from a CowPlant berry. A plant that is overlooked is the Cow Plant.